Treatment Description

Bridges are a permanent and realistic looking way of filling a gap between teeth caused by one or more missing teeth, and can help avoid the need for a denture.

Modern materials and techniques mean they are long lasting and look and feel very realistic. A bridge is a false tooth (or teeth) which is held firmly in place by the teeth next to it.

Most often, the two neighbouring teeth - one on each side - will need to have crowns fixed onto them. The two crowns are then joined together by placing the false tooth or teeth between them and cementing them in place. This is known as a fixed bridge.

Creating a fixed bridge is usually a good option if the teeth either side are strong enough to support the bridge, but are already crowned or have had large fillings.

Sometimes adhesive bridges can be constructed. These have a lot less impact on the neighbouring teeth because the latest bonding techniques are used to hold the false tooth in place.

They use small metal or white reinforced plastic 'wings' to hold onto the neighbouring teeth, which are hidden on the inside of your mouth so they cannot be seen.

Bridges can also be held in place with dental implants.

Bridges on natural teeth

For two or more missing teeth, a bridge cemented to natural teeth is an economically viable, long-term solution. The bridge is supported by the adjacent natural teeth, which must be ground down beforehand to serve as a support for the new bridge.

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